This is the first report from the PVDOMICs study, an NIH funded multicenter project designed to better understand the clinical, biological and genetic features and differences between all forms of pulmonary hypertension. This initial paper describes the clinical features of over 1000 subjects in Groups 1-5 pulmonary hypertension. The notable findings include 1) there is often a mixture of etiologies in each of the groups; 2) DLCO is depressed in Groups 1-3; 3) Right atrial volume is enlarged in Groups 1-4 even when the right ventricle is not; 4) Group 1 patients frequently have ground glass findings on Chest CT scan and nocturnal desaturation; 5) Survival is poorest in Group 3.
The finding that there is right atrial enlargement before it is right ventricular enlargement is particularly relevant to the numerous reports that increased right atrial pressure is a powerful predictor of survival in PH, and that the mechanism appears to be associated with increased stressed blood volume. These data provide support for the potential of levosimendan as a fundamental treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
Authoritative review of the pathology of PAH, with a focus on the impact of modern treatments by leading experts. They show that in patients with advanced disease there is a distinct spectrum of pulmonary vascular and nonvascular pathologies, including localized interstitial and perivascular inflammation. In this set of patients who were being treated with the modern drug therapies, the appearance of classical pulmonary vascular lesions related to the disease was unaffected.
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